A low cost dispensing gantry with stepper motors was made from four Macron PSC belt drive actuators and a commercial screw actuator.
H-Bot gantries from Macron Dynamics feature a lightweight and modular design, allowing systems to reach areas in large envelopes at a high speed and with high repeatability.
This innovative "platform machine" is an H-Bot capable of providing high-speed X/Y motion and coupled to a novel 4 post Z-axis screw lift system, providing a 3-axis Cartesian motion control.
Our high speed, high performance X/Y H-Bot linear robot is constructed of a simple design, a single belt driving both axes.
This video demonstrates a new type of Cartesian plane motion platform. It showcases manual positioning of the H-BOT 25 H pattern gantry robot and how the belt drives and counter reversing pulleys transform rotary motion to linear motion without adding the motors as payload.