Thank you for purchasing another quality product from Macron Dynamics, Inc. Every effort has been taken to assure this product was manufactured to the highest industry standards of quality, precision and performance. Macron products are subject to a 1-year (from date of shipment) limited warranty for defects in materials and workmanship.
Unless otherwise stated herein, Seller will repair or replace, without charge, f.o.b. shipping point, any parts proven to Seller’s satisfaction and upon Seller’s examination to have been defective in material or workmanship when furnished to the original purchaser. Product must be used in an automation system engineered or approved by Seller. In addition, deterioration or wear caused by abuse, maintenance neglect, severe eccentric loading, overloading, chemical or abrasive action, or excessive heat shall not constitute defects.
Equipment and accessories not of the Seller’s manufacture are warranted only to the extent that they are warranted by the manufacturers, and this warranty is applicable only if the defect was the result of normal use, application and service, and is void if the product or any part hereof was tampered with, repaired or altered by any person other than the factory or authorized repair station.
Under no circumstances shall seller be liable for any loss of profit or for special, consequential or exemplary damages over and apart from the repair or replacement of Seller’s part.
The laws of the State of Pennsylvania shall govern this warranty and any controversy or claim arising from it or its interpretation.
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this warranty, its interpretation, or any breach thereof, which cannot be amicably resolved between Seller and the original purchaser with sixty (60) days of written notice by the aggrieved party to the other, shall be finally settled by binding arbitration submitted to the three (3) arbitrators selected from the panels of the arbitrators of the American Arbitration Association in accordance with the rules and regulations of the American Arbitration Association sitting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with each party to pay its own cost. Authorization for return must be received from Macron Dynamics Inc., before returning any equipment for inspection or warranty repair.
Macron Dynamics actuators are intended for industrial use only and should not be used to lift, support, or otherwise transport human cargo, unless you have a written statement from Macron Dynamics, Inc. that the actuator unit as used in your application is suitable for lifting human cargo.
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