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Tri-Bot Linear Robots for Better, Faster Picking and Packing

Macron Dynamics Tri-Bot Linear Robot delivers a fast, scalable, repeatable option for any pick and pack application at a fraction of the cost when compared to traditional delta robot platforms.

Increasing demands for the rapid production of high-volume products have given rise to the popularity of delta robots in modern-day manufacturing. A delta robot consists of three lightweight arms connected to universal joints at the base. Macron Dynamics has innovated that design by utilizing our modular belt driven linear actuator components to provide the mobility required in a unique way. This solution is available as a kit with the belt-driven actuators and the connector kit and can be configured with various end-effectors.

A Brief History of Delta Robots

The delta robot was first introduced over 30 years ago. Inspired by a visit to a chocolate factory, Reymond Clavel and his team at the Robotics Systems Laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne produced the first prototype of the delta robot in the mid 1980s. Having studied the production of chocolate pralines, Clavel and his team found the ideal high-speed robotic solution for repetitive labor applications.Animation of a Delta Robot

As with any new technology, many manufacturers were hesitant to include the delta robot into their product line because they were skeptical about the return on investment (ROI) and how the tools would really increase productivity. However, today they are seen as an essential productivity-enhancing tool for many industrial manufacturers. With unparalleled pick-and-place, sorting, and other high-speed low-mass applications, delta robots are now a mainstream robotic solution.

While many manufacturers within the industry continue to rely on delta robots for faced-paced production of high-volume products, this automation often comes with steep capital investments and limited, inflexible capabilities that impact overall ROI. The Macron Dynamics Tri-Bot Linear Robot is helping manufacturers benefit from the fast, scalable, repeatable characteristics of traditional delta robots, but without some of the classic challenges of the technology.

Why Use a Tri-Bot?

  • Lower Cost: The Macron Dynamics Tri-Bot Linear Robot is a much more cost-effective option when compared to traditional delta robots. Often costing a fraction of the price, the Tri-Bot is affordable and the ROI for the purchase is realized sooner as a result.
  • Key Features: With payload capacity of 5kg and the ability to complete fast, repeatable movements of up to 125 picks per minute, manufacturers receive the same benefits of the traditional delta robot.
  • Flexibility: Compared to other competing linear solutions, our Tri-Bot can be configured to provide a larger range of work envelopes. Like all of Macron Dynamics’ linear robotics, this solution can be built on its own platform, engineered into your infrastructure, or outfitted with an array of end-effectors in order to meet the specific needs of your unique application.

Who Needs a Tri-Bot?

Many industries and applications can leverage the design of our Tri-Bot Linear Robot to increase productivity, worker safety, and overall capabilities.

Michael GiuntaAccording to National Sales Manager Michael Giunta, “Any application that can be improved with a reliable, repeatable, high-speed pick-and-pack solution for low to medium payloads is an excellent candidate for a Tri-Bot. Its ability to provide conveyor tracking and up to 125 picks per minute at a fraction of the cost of more traditional delta platforms is unbeatable.”

Learn more about Macron Dynamics’ Tri-Bot Linear Robot. To request more information contact one of our expert application engineers.

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