In 1999, a client required an in-house automated sorting and packaging system to fulfill shipping orders for prescription contact lenses. The linear robotic system needed to be capable of filling 1,700 dispensary compartment locations with totes from a dispenser locator, with speed and accuracy. The large system needed to be structurally sound and fit within the packaging warehouse, and since the machine would be constantly running, the client required a system with high repeatability and reliability.
Learn More or Contact Macron today to see how we can help you solve your motion challenge!
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A Macron Dynamics team member adds a pulley assembly to the actuator for a recent customer order.
Squaring up an extruded beam segment on a CNC beam processor. Our actuator frames are available in a variety of...
The MSA-SB5 belt-driven actuator provides belt-driven incremental push/pull capabilities that make it extremely useful for various packaging and automation applications.
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